People may think this is odd but I believe and have faith in my gut feeling and I try my best to listen to it with every client I treat. This I feel helps me get the results I continually achieve with people and animals.

In the hustle of modern life, we often overlook the significance of tuning into our body’s internal signals. Our gut feelings, also known as intuition or instinct, are invaluable guides that can profoundly impact decision-making and overall well-being. However, in my opinion, various factors contribute to the erosion of this skill in today’s fast-paced world.

Factors Diminishing Gut Feeling:

  1. Information Overload: Constant exposure to information from diverse sources can overwhelm our senses, making it challenging to discern and trust our internal instincts.
  1. External Distractions: Modern lifestyles, filled with electronic devices and demanding schedules, divert attention away from internal signals, hindering our ability to tune in.
  1. Cultural Emphasis on Rationality: Societal norms often prioritise logical thinking over intuitive feelings, leading to the dismissal of gut instincts in decision-making.
  1. Fear of Judgment: The fear of being judged as irrational may inhibit individuals from expressing or acting on their gut feelings, creating a disconnect from this innate ability.

Importance of Gut Feeling:

  1. Early Warning System: Gut feelings act as an early warning system, alerting us to potential dangers or risks before our rational mind processes the information.
  1. Decision-Making Aid: They provide valuable insights when making decisions, considering factors beyond immediate evidence and guiding choices aligned with deeper needs and values.
  1. Quick Decision-Making: In time-sensitive situations, relying on gut feelings facilitates quicker decision-making, especially in high-pressure environments.
  1. Emotional Well-being: Trusting your gut contributes to emotional well-being, fostering authenticity, reducing internal conflicts, and lowering stress.
  1. Creativity and Innovation: Gut feelings foster creativity and innovation by tapping into both conscious and subconscious processes, leading to unique ideas and solutions.
  1. Building Trust in Yourself: Acknowledging and validating intuitive responses over time builds confidence and trust in your own judgment.
  1. Navigating Ambiguity: Gut feelings guide in situations of uncertainty or ambiguity by providing a sense of direction.
  1. Enhancing Relationships: Intuition plays a role in interpersonal relationships, helping to sense unspoken emotions, intentions, and dynamics for improved communication.

The importance of gut feelings lies in their ability to complement conscious reasoning. Reconnecting with this innate skill requires a conscious effort to reduce external noise, prioritise self-awareness, and strike a balance between intuition and analytical thinking. Trusting and listening to your gut feeling ultimately empowers you to navigate life’s challenges with a more holistic perspective.

It’s a skill we need to practice as much as we can. In my nursing days, I just had an inner knowing that something was going to happen with a patient and I could be prepared. It’s a strong feeling that has brought amazing results and helps me in my daily work. Trusting in this feeling is one reason I get called a Witch so much by clients and, they all have a big smile on their faces as they feel the difference in what I’ve done for them.