

We are always very pleased to receive feedback from our clients on the services we provide.

Below are some of the reviews we have received:

Elaine Mitchell (KY8)

My friend Elaine mentioned Tony Sherry an Emmett specialist was interested in doing an animal practitioners course at her house. I said cool. Sign me up. Treating my own animals was going to be great. My fibromyalgia was bad and I was walking with a stick. In a lot of pain and a lot of meds.

Myself, Lorna, Elaine and Tony started the Emmett journey. We spent the day treating Elaine’s two Newfoundlands and her Jack Russell……and me! After a couple of treatments (on me) Tony and the girls said “wow! Your face has relaxed” and I was able to sit in the chair without the usual grimace, ooo’s and aahh’s or it taking half an hour.

My muscles went into overdrive of spasms, my feet wouldn’t move, my body twisted and I was, if I’m honest, a bit scared of “what the heck is happening, is it bad, is it good? Well, I can now categorically say it was more than good. The relief I felt from not holding my body in a certain way and the pain relief was beyond words.

I had gone into Tony’s class with a dread on how the heck was I going to treat animals low down. I walked out of “one” class with Tony Sherry with my walking stick over my shoulder feeling like Liza Minnelli! I was euphoric. My mind was blown that day and has been everyday since. I really don’t have enough words to say how grateful I am to my friend Elaine for introducing me to Tony and Emmett and to Tony who has changed my life beyond anything I could have imagined.

I no longer need a stick. I take paracetamol now and again. I no longer have to take Gabapentin, Nurofen, Morphine or Tramadol four times a day. I am now an Animal and  Human Emmett Practitioner.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Tony 💜

Aminata Mohammed (SE1)

Dear Tony,

Thank you seeing me and helping to resolve the pain. I had a knee injury 6 years ago, had surgery and was on crutches for an over a year. I have lived with this pain and taking very strong pain killers with very little effect and many side effects. This limited me in many activities, couldn’t climb stairs, coming down stairs was excruciatingly painful. I have spent so much money many therapies with very little effect.

By chance I met you and found out about your therapy the Emmett technique. I wasn’t sure what you do or what the treatment entailed When you started and applied gentle touch to the affected area, I was under the impression that you were just assessing my knee. You asked me to walk a short distance from my sitting position and back to you, which I thought was part of the assessment.

To my amazement my pain suddenly disappeared, which I didn’t understand. I didn’t believe that it was real, I thought it might all come back again. That night, I had the most peaceful and pain free sleep for many years. The pain, tightness and swelling had completely disappeared, I still can’t believe it and keep expecting it to come back, but nothing has happened since and it been about 6 months. I sing your praises to everyone I meet as I couldn’t believe what looks like a simple touch could have a positive impact on my life, painkiller free and pain free.

Thank you Tony, I wish I had known about your technique sooner.

Clare Dawson (RH7)

Emmett Therapy really works and Tony is the most friendly, relaxed person you could hope to meet.
 I had been suffering with severe pain in my right shoulder and arm for over a year which was really affecting my whole life; disturbed sleep every night which meant I was extremely tired all the time and just couldn’t function properly, as well as making me short tempered and snappy with everyone. I was taking painkillers every day and was at the stage, after trying other alternative therapies, of seriously considering high risk spinal surgery, when a good friend recommended Tony and his ‘magic fingers’ to me and I haven’t looked back since.
All my pain has gone. My mental health as well as my physical health has improved dramatically. I now sleep soundly, am a nicer, happier person to be around and haven’t stopped recommending Tony to all my friends and family!
I highly recommend Tony and Emmett Therapy. If you’re suffering and in constant pain then do contact him, he could be the lifeline you’re looking for.

Julie Tayler (TN5)

Well I had a treatment from Tony today on my Left Arm, I have suffered with Lymphoedema for around 11 years now. well lets just say I can’t believe that I can now lift my arm above my head and its also pain free, which is such a treat as its in constent pain. I really find it amazing how you touch certain points on the arm and it made my fingers tingly then Tony asked me to lift my arm as high as I can and I could get it over my head.

Tony also did my knee’s and Back as I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis which is painful so Tony worked his Magic again touching certain pressure points and again the thingly feeling then I walked on the spot for a while and was able to move with no pain. I highly recommend Tony,why not give him a try and see for yourself how well the technique works….. I shall be using Tony again and I shall be telling my Friends & Family. Its like you have been Factory Reset…. Give it a try if your in Pain its well worth it. Thank you again Tony.

Debbie Hill (SS7)

Our elderly dog is having problems opening and closing her mouth. She is on lots of pain killers etc which work to some extent  but she has recently been very bad due to an infection, crying in pain when she opens her mouth. Tony  came yesterday to see her,and the difference within 10 mins was amazing. She trusted him fully, whilst he treated her and kept nudging him for more.

The difference is amazing. She slept most of the day, was eating a lot better, and even started to play with her toys.

I can’t recommend Tony and his therapy enough.   Thank you, Tony

Ron Pye (TN26)

I have been treated by Tony Sherry using EMMETT Therapy regularly following on from having a stroke on March 2020. As a result of my stroke, I was struggling with my mobility, balance, and strength in my arms and hands and severe pins and needles in my arm and legs. Tony has helped immensely with all of these issues. My balance and walking have been corrected hugely. I have also noticed a vast improvement in my speech. Tony is incredibly professional and friendly. His patient care is second to none, and he always goes above and beyond to make you feel at ease. Without Tony and his magic hands, I without a doubt, would not be where I am today and have the quality of life that I have now gained back. Thank you, Tony, for everything that you have done and continue to do.

Roy Carganillo (SE1)

Dear Tony,

Thank you very much for seeing me and letting me try Emmet Therapy.

I have had shoulder pains for ten years now. Occasionally this pain is aggravated by bad posture and lifting objectives.

My pain score is worse at 6/10 limiting my range of motion and occasionally triggers stress headache.

I saw Tony for a meeting one time at Guy’s and at that time I was in pain. He asked me if I would like to try Emmet Therapy.

I thought he was joking when he told me about the concept, I was a bit sceptical then but the only way to know this works is to try it. I use a TENS machine occasionally – TENS works but you need to have it on for at least 3-4 hrs.

When Tony touched my shoulder (I barely felt it), the pain instantly disappeared I was surprised with my reaction, I cried!

The feeling of an instant disappearance of a niggling pain was exhilarating! And it was like a miracle because I did not even feel any sensation during the therapy (i.e. touch, pressure at the point of pain etc).

I recommend this therapy especially if you have an acute episode of pain.

Thanks Tony.

Steve Robinson (TN9)

Tony Sherry or Mr Magic Fingers

I was unsure at first, as I had suffered a bad back before and had tried using other therapies in the past without much success.
I was recommended to try Tony and the Emmett Technique as he also did home visits and I was in a lot of pain. I found him to be friendly and helpful and he really knows what he is doing.

There was no painful manipulation, no need to undress and all the treatment was done while I was standing. Within minutes of him starting to treat me the pain had gone and I was able to move without a problem. The magic fingers really worked and my family watched as I wobbled and swayed and the pain went. This treatment worked so much quicker than the other things I had tried in the past.

Tony is very professional and approachable and all in all I would not hesitate about recommending him to anyone that asks if I know of a therapist for any ailments.
He has even treated my Daughter who had difficulties sleeping. Not any more after she was treated by Tony and his Emmett Therapy.

Phil Cook (CT1)

I came to you in pain. The pain and the fear to the pain are going. Life changing. Thank you Tony.

Pat (CT9)

I’ve had a sore shoulder for months and have been unable to lift my arm halfway up. I put it down to getting old and how my body was wearing out. I found some everyday things hard to do, painful and awkward. Painkillers didn’t help that much as the pain was there all of the time and sometimes sleeping was difficult. 

I had one session with Tony, and within a couple of minutes I could lift my arm right up over my head, and there was no pain. I’m amazed at how quickly things happened, and it’s never come back. I tell all my friends they must try this and their pain or discomfort will disappear before they know it. 

Thank you very much

Amber Page (BR8)

Thank you so so much!!!

I was unable to move my neck and shoulders after over doing it at the gym yesterday but now it’s like magic and I can move again!

Thanks Tony!

Rebecca O’Sullivan (SE9)

Since 2017 I’ve had lymphoedema in my left arm and hand caused by a mastectomy, reconstruction, chemotherapy and radiotherapy following a diagnosis of invasive breast cancer.

I wore a sleeve and a glove all day and a stronger glove at night. I had to wear my wedding rings on my right hand.  If i didn’t wear it I was in pain.  It was deemed mild and I couldn’t get much help from the hospital.  Every day I would have a reminder of what had happened and what may happen in the future.
Then I got in touch with Tony. One session of gentle touch around my arm, shoulder and left side was warming and relaxing. The fluid moved, I could visibly see the difference as he worked.

That was 2 months ago.

I haven’t worn my sleeve or glove since.  I don’t have any aches or pains in my arm and my rings fit my fingers again.

I will definitely call on Tony again to help maintain this.  Not only has it helped physically but mentally too.

Jane Okello (SE1)

Hi everyone,

I was recommended Emmett Therapy after having a serious left leg pain for nearly two years.  Medical investigations failed to pinpoint the cause of pain.  I was in agony when I saw Tony during my first visit.  I couldn’t bend my left leg when I was sitting down, I couldn’t do stairs and my walking was affected.

When I saw Tony, he acted professionally, explained everything to me beforehand.  He then used light pressure at points on the affected leg and then asked me to walk around.  I could feel my walking was better however, the pain remained.  Tony reassured me that I should feel a lot better in a few days.  As days went, I continued to get better and better and now I am able to do 12 floors stairs, run on the treadmill for half an hour, sit with my bended knee with ease. Thanks to Tony.